FEBRUARY 10, 2024 – GREENSBORO, NC –  On February 10, 2024 NC A&T students were involved in the 2nd Annual HBCU Health Equity Summit at Union Square Campus in Greensboro, North Carolina.  This event was organized by the Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS organization from NC A&T).  Miss Colette Haynie, President of MAPS, invited a variety of professionals and students from around North Carolina and other Historically Black Colleges and Universities. 

The keynote speaker, Dr. Rick Kittles, is the Senior Vice President for Research at Morehouse School of Medicine.  His speech was engaging, entertaining, and highly informative for the attendees.  He discussed his groundbreaking research in the human genome and the real-world impacts that are informed by data. He is a leader working to create the future of global health equity. 

Additionally, there were two panels of experts from medical fields, medical schools, and medical professions. They told about their research, recommendations for applying to medical school, and advice for aspiring medical students. 

This event was an opportunity for our minority pre-med students to interact with prominent researchers and current medical practitioners.  

Source:  NC A&T State University (https://www.samuelresearchteam.com/maps-health-equity-summit-2024)